Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Get Set Go

So we're off to a start finally, 2 days after the creation of this blog, I'm posting the first template. When I was creating this blog, it took me around an hour or so solely for deciding the name of the blog. It had to be catchy, it had to convey what I meant, it had to convey whom it is for and lastly it had to convey that the templates are free. After trying strings of words in permutations and combinations, after confirming that no other name I'd like this blog to be called is available, decided to settle for this rather looong but all-conveying name of http://bloggertemplatesfordownload.blogspot.com/ . Searching for the template took more time than expected and I simply fell in love with this template when I stumbled upon it. I've already clearly stated my stance as a novice (or even better, null) programmer in my first post. Most of the templates I post are going to be done so only after being tested on a blog, and the screenshots will be promptly pasted alongside. Sorry but you cannot expect anything more than me. Any xml or html queries and comments can be posted but I may be of no help whatsoever.

Blogy-Columnas-Blogandweb (3-column XML template)

Download Here:

Hosted by eSnips

Authors: http://www.freecsstemplates.org/
